Agenda Item: The issue, topic, matter, case, application, or other subject to be discussed and/or acted upon by City Council. An agenda item with a File Number can be put into the Legislation search feature on (“Legistar”) to see the specific agenda item description, voting history, and relevant attachments such as the legislative document, a council communication, and exhibits or presentations on the item. For consent agenda items, please refer to the agenda document on Legistar
Agenda: A list of items to be discussed and/or acted upon by City Council for a specific meeting.
Aye: A vote in favor of the agenda item or motion.
Consent Agenda Summary: The total number of votes cast (both Ayes and Nays) all Consent Agendas on City Council agendas.
Date: Date of the City Council meeting on which action was taken on the agenda item.
Fail: A vote of at least five (5) members of City Council in opposition to the agenda item or motion.
Land Use Applications: Legislative acts on matters affecting the use of land in the City. This is typically a zoning or rezoning request (changing the allowed uses of a specific property), an annexation (request to be part of the City boundaries), or conditional use permit (temporarily allowing a prohibited use on a property).
Majority: The prevailing, or winning, side of the agenda item or motion. For example, if a motion passes with 6 Aye votes and 3 Nay votes, the 6 Aye votes are votes with the majority.
Minority: The losing side of the agenda item or motion. For example, if a motion passes with 6 Aye votes and 3 Nay votes, the 3 Nay votes are votes with the Minority.
Nay: A vote in opposition to the agenda item or motion.
Ordinance: A legislative act of a permanent nature such as a new or revised law, an appropriation of city funds, authorizing borrowing money, levying a tax, or establishing a rule or regulation of which a penalty is imposed.
Pass: An affirmative vote (Aye or Yes) of at least five (5) members of City Council are required for an agenda item or motion to be approved and go into effect.
Resolution: A legislative act of a less permanent nature such as an approval of a contract or approval to negotiate a contract, the appointment of a person to a City board or commission, the creation or revision of a City Council policy, or other administrative act.
Summary Votes Casted: The total number of votes cast (both Ayes and Nays) on all agenda items on City Council agendas. This is then separated into whether that vote was cast with the Majority or with the Minority.
Title: The general description of the legislative agenda item or full text of the motion that was made during the meeting.