Snow Removal Plan 

Commerce City Public Works uses 11 plow trucks to clear snow from nearly 300 lane miles of roadway. Some roads within the city are maintained by Adams County, while major highways such as U.S. 85 and Interstates 76 and 270 are maintained by the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT). Removing snow from parking lots, sidewalks and trails on city property is handled by the Parks, Recreation and Golf Department.

snowplow trucks new

The city’s snow removal plan classifies storms into three categories based on severity and prioritizes city streets on four levels based on traffic volume and importance to first responders. Major arterials such as Quebec Parkway and E. 104th Avenue are cleared first, followed by collector streets that complete the city transportation network and allow access to schools. Residential streets are not plowed unless excessive snow completely blocks traffic movement.

Learn more about the city's 2024-25 snow response plan

Call the city's weather emergency hotline at 303-227-8776 for updates on city operations and facility closures.

 Snow Trooper logo

Snow Trooper Gets You Through the Storm

To help you prepare for a safe commute, the city provides an opportunity to see which roads have been plowed via the Snow Trooper online map.  

Visit to see the treatment map and priority level of streets along your route. As a reminder, the city does not plow state roads, such as Highway 85, I-270, I-76, and Brighton Blvd.

Be a Good Neighbor: Clear Your Sidewalk

Residents play an important part in snow removal duties within neighborhoods by keeping sidewalks clear of snow and ice. The city’s municipal code requires that residents and businesses remove snow and ice from public sidewalks around their property within 24 hours of the last snow accumulation.

Failure to clear your sidewalk may result in a Notice of Violation from Neighborhood Services, which allows 24 additional hours for snow and ice obstructions to be removed before a $100 fine is issued. This ordinance applies only to public sidewalks – not driveways or walkways within your property. For more information, visit or call 303-227-8860.

Snow Guardians Program

The Snow Guardians Program assists residents who are unable to clear public sidewalks adjacent to their property to comply with Sec. 6-2012 of the municipal code due to age, disability, or other conditions. Sec. 6-2012 states that owners are responsible for the maintenance of their property with a duty to maintain any and all unsafe sidewalks.