City of Commerce City, CO
The City of Commerce City will address the full spectrum of housing needs, encourage sustainable development, and protect residents through enhanced oversight and balanced residential growth.
What is this Goal?
Our commitment to increase and expand housing accessibility and affordability is essential to creating a city where everyone can thrive. By making housing more affordable and accessible, we can help reduce poverty, improve health, and build stronger communities.
How we will achieve this goal:
- Increase the supply of affordable housing.
- Reduce barriers to housing.
- Expand rental assistance programs.
- Invest in community development and economic opportunities.
What City Departments are Involved Directly?
Housing is led by the City’s Community Development Department and the Commerce City Housing Authority, both located at 7887 E. 60th Avenue.
Who should you contact with Housing Questions?
Please reach out to the Commerce City Housing Authority at 303-289-3698.