Hazardous sidewalk

Sidewalks should be free of hazards and obstructions, including tree limbs (tree limbs should be trimmed to at least 10 feet above sidewalks and 15 feet above the streets) and should not obscure signs in your yard. 

Snow and ice must be removed from public sidewalks within 24 hours after the snow stops falling. When removing snow, it cannot be pushed into the streets if it affects traffic flow.  

Snow Trooper Map

The Snow Trooper online map lets you track snow removal progress during a storm to help you plan for road conditions throughout the city. 

Snow Guardians Program

The Snow Guardians Program assists residents who are unable to clear public sidewalks adjacent to their property to comply with Sec. 6-2012 of the municipal code due to age, disability, or other conditions. Sec. 6-2012 states that owners are responsible for the maintenance of their property with a duty to maintain any and all unsafe sidewalks.

Municipal Code Reference: Sec. 6-2012 - Maintenance of property

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